collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

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Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von Sfsr »

Why hello there frat.

I've declined SweSpin participating in this collab. Why? Since however much you guys try to say this is "just a friendly collab between some european board, not a european collab", that's exactly what it is. I'm looking forward to seeing the next Eurocollab, lifting forth some unknown spinners from the different corners of Europe who can show off their skills. This collab would ruin that for me.

We already have a european collab concept, why create another one?

Also, you include BPST and leave out DPSB. To start with you weren't even going to include PPP. Is this a European collab you're tying to organize? You advertise it both as being just a collab between some European boards, at the same time just a European collab and yet you were gonna leave out important parts of European penspinning!

Make it a FPSB + PPP + GPC collab then or call it whatever you want, most of BPST is french-speaking anyway, stop hiding behind a name. Don't call it a european collab though since neither SweSpin not DPSB, or people from european countries without boards of their own, will participate.

I dunno about Eriror, I guess he's split between participating and not. I've asked him to not participate, I guess you've tried to convince him in the other direction frat?

This just seems complete wrongly organized...

Feel free to read what I wrote on SweSpin.

Beiträge: 36
Registriert: 19.02.06 17:21

Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von fratleym »

I've not really tried to convince eriror, he's pretty doing what he wants^^

Actually your point of view is interesting as well, it's just that I've not thought about this colab in that way. Someone is trying to do a collab between boards in europe ok it's cool anyway. Actually, PPP will participate and they are very happy to participate.

The eurocollab is another concept, I think, it's picking some good spinners from each boards. But in the last eurocollabs maybe there was too much persons on a board and less from another one ...

anyway, I think this is just organized for fun, we really have no pretention at all. If it's bothering everyone to do it, let's stop the project here.

You forbid Eriror to participate, I just can't understand this kind of reaction. Man this is just penspinning, videos, it's just about spinning pen. This CV has nothing realyl official.

Really, I dont understand your over-reacting about this... but maybe I've understood it wrong.., try to hide
overwhelmed by this complex delirium...

Dream theater

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Registriert: 05.01.08 14:05

Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von lindor »

maybe there is a misunderstanding because of my bad english.
I did'nt understand why did eriror change his mind. Now, I understand...
This collaboration is for fun. Just for the pleasure to make a nice video, with combos from a lot of europeans pen spinners. There is for the moment no real name for the collaboration. This is'nt an european collab. When some penspinners realeased, for example, the collaboration "FPSB+KPSA", why did you not say that it was'nt a good idea, because it was no spinners from BPST in the collaboration ?? Just because it was a collaboration with FPSB and KPSA, nothing else.

I was trying to organize a collaboration between five european boards. Nothing else !! I was'nt trying to make a collaboration with all european boards. I let eriror organize that if he want. I said on your board it was an european collaboration, just because the collaboration has no name. I just would say that it was a collaboration with european boards. BPST is authorize to make some collaboration i think, with the boards they want !! Why did you mixt my proposition with an european collaboration, who should be with all the european boards ??

I said it is a collaboration between 5 importants boards in europe. You say there is other important boards in europe, but that's not my problem. I don't wanna make a collaboration with importants boards, but with FPSB, BPST, GPC, PPP and, before youre reaction, with SweSpin.

You say BPST is not a real board. that's your opinion. I go really often on BPST, and I like this board. This is an excellent board, with excellent BELGIUM pen spinners. On this board, there is a grat ambience. The spinner spin for the pleasure, they have no problems with which organize and other things, thay make combo because they like pen spinning. Is that different for you ??
There is 250 pen spinners on BPST, like on PPP...

Maybe you hate my idea,for a lot of reason... but why do you try to convince other board to don't participate ??
Maybe it is different for you, but I spin for the pleasure. Pen spinning is not a marketing or a political problem for me... just a manipulation with a pen that I like really much.
I repeat, it isn't a eurocollab concept. Just a collaboration for the fun !! I really don't understand why you are trying to destroy it...

Yes, I include BPST and leave out DPSB. And ?? In all collaboration, there is a lot of boards which doesn't participate i think...

You say it just seems complete wrongly organized... That youre opinion, and I think you speak without knowing what I do and what I did. for the moment, I just post a message on the boards which I want in the collaboration. I think it was an error to post on SweSpin, but I could'nt know that you will be trying to destroy this collaboration...

So, I'm not sure I really understand why you detest this collaboration so much... But maybe I did a big error that I did'nt see...


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Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von Nomed »

i guess you guys overact a bit about that.
I just read the topic, so here - my 2 cents about this topic.

Yeah, so, i think the problem is, you've wanted the aministrators to select the best 4 of each of the boards you wanted some clips from.
So, and when administrators look for some collabs, it gets into the official stuff, if you understand what i mean.
You've better started this project with: hey, yeah, i want to make a collab with european spinners, would be pleased to have the best of them in it, just end me your clips and i'll select the best ones.

But you've wanted to involve the boards name and stuff. And as you surely see, collabs like GPC and Swespin (oops... wrong collab? :P), i meant FPSB and KPSA, UPSB and PDS, and so on, all of them were official.
When you say, yeh : GPC SWESPIN PPP bla collab, it seems official, and if administrators made a deal they send their best gus from the boards, it gets official.

So, just say, Collab with european spinners
not actually more. maybe hit a little flag on each spinners name. Because, well, if you do it this way, it'll be a normal collab.
And then, it's your stuff to make this collab special or not.

Sodelle ich hoffe ma mein englisch war jetz ned zu schlecht, aber is iwie alles kacke auszudrücken.
um meinen punkt jetz mal wieder auf deutsch klarzumachen:
ich seh das halt so. wenn jemand sowohl boardnamen als auch die admins miteinbezieht wird die sache ja wohl ganz klar offiziell, weil eben genau sowas ein offizielles video ausmacht. Er hätte nicht direkt mit den admins die besten vier rausuchen sollen, sondern einfach sagen: jabla, ich mach ne collab mit europäischen spinnern. blah. ich hätt gern nen paar deutsche dabei.

Aber um ma wieder etwas zurückzuschaun, und um etwas auf spin und sfsr einzugehen: also bitte, die letzte eurocollab war wohl eher etwas...*g* mh. editing klar, top, aber zuwenige hatten was eingesendet. insofern könnte man das ruhig wiederholen. und soo kurz isses ja jetz afair ned.
Jopi hat geschrieben:ich geb zu das ich inet vlt manchmal ne dreckige missgeburt sein kann, aber an dich nomed komm ich noch lange nicht ran;)

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Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von Jopi »

WOW guys^^ you have to chill a lot^^ if lindor says it is just a fun collab i think its ok...
but nomed is right if he says: it sounds offical if you say : collab with:GPC, FPSB... etc...
so you have to choose your words better^^
So if that would just be a funcollab i would think about to send a vid but i am not sure...
And i can understand spin and sfsr...
so guys come down... its penspinning^^
____________________________________________________________________[VNG - Jopi] ... cbrawl.jpg

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Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von Sfsr »

Sigh.. really, you can make whatever and how many collabs you want. And I can complain about all of them if I choose to.

I don't like mass-production of collabs. The media for showing "European skill" is the Eurocollabs imo. They might not always have been good, but help out with making them better instead of starting new projects. If you don't think this is a European collab then think again. It's a collab with only European boards, which automatically makes it a European collab. I can't be wrong there now can I?

What I read was that lindor was gonna organize a European collab. Lindor. Someone I've never heard of. A new European collaboration while we already have a returning one. When I then saw that he included BPST as a board, but skipped DPSB, and heard that he hadn't even planned to include PPP to start with then calling it European really made me confused.

Now you say it's not "European". I guess not, without SweSpin and whatnot, just make a FPSB + GPC + BPST + PPP or whatnot, and have fun with that.

Yes, I asked both Eriror and Spin to not participate in this collab, but it's still their choice. I just laid out my opinions and they chose to listen to them. Why I tried to convince them? Cause I disslike the idea of releasing a collab now, in the midst of the WC. Cause I disslike Europe showing off even more.

Why I didn't complain about collabs like FPSB + KPSA? 'Cause then you didn't call it "a collaboration with the world". It was just a collab between two boards, just like we're used to. As I understood it you wanted to make a European collab. I understood wrong, and as I've written now make this collab if you want to, but I will oppose it. As I've also written, I don't like mass-production of collabs and re-apparation of spinners too much. I would complain about a lot of collabs if I had time.

250 members on BPST, sure but how many of those are Belgian? PPP has 500+ members btw, and I'm pretty sure all of those are Polish. I looked around on BPST before, and I was really dissapointed. Anyways, things might have changed now. I don't complain about the board itself, I complain about that it's mostly french people. I don't like mass-production of combos either.

Contacting the admins of the boards by making a thread might not have been the best idea, if the admin was supposed to "pick out" the top 4 spinners anyway. If SweSpin was to participate, I doubt Ceedgee would've picked anyone from the WC team anyhow, and thus not the "best" spinners, so restricting this collab to the best spinners from each board feels really... discriminating.

I don't detest your collab. I disslike seeing crappy collab after collab being released. I will wait out making a new "official" collab (a board collab) 'till after the WC, and so will all of SweSpin. I had just hoped that more people would do this, that more people would calm down on the collab hysteria.

@ frat: I don't know why FPSB wasn't in Eurollab 3. Probably because the people hoped for never sent their videos. Too many from one board? In 1 yeah, but I don't see any problem with 2-3. It's not bothering everyone, it's bothering me. I never forbid Eriror to participate, how could I? I asked him to skip this collab and organize a new Eurocollab sometime in the future instead.

I am over-reacting. Definitely.

Now prove me wrong and make this an awesome collab. Thank you and goodbye, no need to reply on this post.

Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 05.01.08 14:05

Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von lindor »

All is clear now ^^

You don't like mass production of collab. I understand youre opinion. You think it is not good to make a collaboration during the WC, and I can understand that to.

Sorry if I was confuse when I speak, I speak a really bad english >< now, you know it isn't an european collaboration. As I allready said, I don't wanna make an european collaboration.

I just wanna say that if you don't like a collaboration, you logically should to refuse him for you and your board, but I think you don't have to try to convince other board to refuse it. That my point of vue, and before our discussion I thought it was logic for everybody. But you see it differently ^^ It was the things that I could'nt understand before.

You never heard about me before. So ?? I think some persons never heard about you before some tournament/solo or collaboration that you did. I don't think a pen spinner has to be an excellent pen spinner to organize a collaboration... thats really differents things. And if you are not my mind, now you know that fratleym organize it with me. I think you heard about fratleym :roll: ?

Also, it is just a difference between our point of vue. I respect yours points of vue, I just find some of these strange ^^

Now, there is no problems for me. I just have to send a message from Katix, an administrator from BPST, which saw this topic and intends to react (but he seay he wasn't able to speak englisk ^^). Don't react here about that, if you wanna react, please contact Katix ^^

"Do you think FPSB (or some other importants boards) had 3000 member one year after there creation ? BPST is a young board, and it is normal that we are also a little group, as you said. And we are also a little country, it also reduces our number of members.
Any country has the right to have a board. What will you say if your board was abolished ?

If we have no flamish on our boards, we are'nt culprit. We have create a part for flamish member, but we are'nt sure about there existence. All of us wanna know flamish spinner and see them on our boards...

Don't say we are a "fake" board, we are maybe not a lot, but there is a real "life" on our board, and also an excellent ambience."
(Katix, administrator of GPC)

So, after that, I just want to ask GPC about reconsidering hes position. Also, I will add that it will be better if all GPC member (as pumphead did) which intends to be in the collaboration send me a MP or post here, it will be better to know the participant...


@Nomen: Maybe you are right ^^ on PPP, they recently changed there mind about it and they are organizing selection, it will be the same on BPST. I will not be the selector ^^

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Registriert: 19.02.06 17:21

Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von fratleym »

I kinda understand each point of view

sfsr: it's just that I haven't seen things the way you did. I've just seen new collab with some people in europe, I thought it was cool.
It was mainly because I really thought that it was a long time since Eurocollab 3 and maybe I was missing it.

really I 'm now not in tournament thingies but I think my mind would be the same anyway. I'm still spinning for fun, it's really simple with me, if somebody asked for a video and if the project seem to be nice, I accept it. Point.

I have truly big respect for you Sfsr as a spinner and as a comrades and you're surely more in Europe things. If you think there's no point in doing that now, I 'm pleased to follow you, let's wait and be even more powerful in next eurocollab. I'm 200% in that decision !

But as FPSB admin, I have to admit that i have been shocked by your over-reacting about all that.
I just want to keep things peacefully, please, try to deal with things as well, just want everyone to have fun^^, try to hide
overwhelmed by this complex delirium...

Dream theater

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Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von kirua »

Okay .. easy to handle.
So find yourself a name for the collab and leave words like
"European, PPP, GCP, etc" out.
You could i.e. put the name of each spinners' board behind his name like Fratleym[FPSB]
Then everybody knows where each spinner comes from.

And no kid in the world can forbid you to do so..
Go ahead and do your collab.
[2:33:49 PM] xxx: dein video hat schon ein dislike, dass heißt, impulse hat es schon gesehen

Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 05.01.08 14:05

Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von lindor »

I think the collaboration will just be call "collaboration interboards", and with the names of the boards after.

For German pas spinner which intends to do a combo, the dead line will be the 20 april.

German spinner:
-maybe Jopi ^^
Zuletzt geändert von lindor am 01.04.08 19:30, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von Neophine »

Hey, now that's a good solution.....^^

I think I'll make a clip too, if it doesn't bother someone^^

MfG Neo

Beiträge: 17
Registriert: 05.01.08 14:05

Re: collaboration with FPSB, BPST, PPP... and GPC ??

Beitrag von lindor »

If anybody wanna send a clip, please use my e-mail adress:
