European New Generation Cup

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Tribute »

BanzA hat geschrieben:
Deadline round 1 = 6 janvier
judgments R1 > 11 janvier
Ok gut wurde halt alles nach hinten verschoben, wie die DL von Round 1, ok gut mal schaun was da kommt, danke sehr, könnte jemand villeicht den Link des Threads in der FPSB [den Englischen] posten ;)? ... 8&start=45

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von BanzA »

Huy vs Futhhark 3:2
Might vs Macioster12 5:0
Product vs APA 0:5
Mogac vs Crazypen 4:1
Farenheit vs Impulse 2:3
Lekunga vs Almad 5:0
Ivabra vs Philistin 3:2
SpinFo vs Azul 5:0
Blasfem vs Trushu 4:1
Raeik vs Bilbo 5:0
Near vs Lawliet 5:0
Krz vs Gildor 2:4 (6 votes oO)
LoJ - JTS 2:3
Guevra, Raem, Frazio ebenfalls weiter
Battles for 2nd Round - Deadlline is February 1st

Impulse vs Raem - Impulse?

Gildor vs Mogac - Gildor?

SpinFo vs Might - Nice Battle, Might

Lekunga vs Blasfem - hart, Blasfem )=

Frazio vs APA - APA

Near vs Raeik - Raeik

Ivabra vs Guevara - Guevara

Huy vs JTS - Huy?

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Vstrike »

Alle meine Vermutungen(Die ernsten)waren richtig.
Bin ich cool oder was 8)
Nächste Runde find ich diesmal uninteressant.

BanzA hat geschrieben: Product vs APA 0:5
Jemand schuldet mir jetzt 5€ 8)

Wäre ein tolles Finale gewesen, aber leider fliegt Blasfem früher.

Zuletzt geändert von Vstrike am 18.01.10 23:12, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Lekunga »

Battles for 2nd Round - Deadlline is February 1st

Impulse vs Raem

Gildor vs Mogac

SpinFo vs Might

Lekunga vs Blasfem

Frazio vs APA

Near vs Raeik

Ivabra vs Guevara

Huy vs JTS
Hm... W... hat the F**.
Blasfem wird lustig. Imo zu früh dieses mega-epic Battle. Wäre ein tolles Finale gewesen, aber leider fliegt Blasfem früher.



Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von taichi1082 »

Lekunga hat geschrieben:Wäre ein tolles Finale gewesen, aber leider fliegt Blasfem früher.

lg Lekunga-Fan #2

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Product »

Lol bitter.

x Procduct has a good render but poor angle (hold with hand)
APA has Interesting linkages and well done but the finish it's too bad the finish is almost failed.
APA wins

x Product vs apa : Apa, there is nothing in Product's combo

x Vote for APA, Product's combo was not very difficult and the off-screen moments just increase that impression. APA's combo is balanced, even though it is lacking some style/creativity it comes out on top overall. This battle might have been closer if Product would have had a better angle.

x Fücken, that was great, Product. Whole combo was just great, I really appreciate whole of that. Especially first
6 secs was awesome ;0 Great linkage-factory. I dont know what to say more. Just great combo - its hard to do
APA - awesome opening with that litlle spin to 34. Next, great IPBrev to wiper, I like that. Good shit at 0:11.
Next, some spam, and nice finisher - in difficulty, its similar to Product.
Kurcze blaszka - how we say in Poland ;D It's again difficult to choose. D'oh. OK, go APA.

x Product had a nice MX combo, but the filming just messed it up a bit.
APA has a very nice style, with eye-catching tricks, and some sequences are very smooth.
Shame that the finisher was cut. Vote for APA. 8)
ich spring ins Eisbärgehege und der Weiße kriegt schläge!
Dunn_Star hat geschrieben: weil ich bin der meinugn wir sollten mal geziehlter werbung bei mädels amchen

erstens sind sie einfach sexy

und zweitens, gehts einfach ums prinzieb

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Lekunga »

x GODLY GOD OF ALL GODS, I love Lekungas clip OO Great speed without any lag, or sth. It was so fluently done... Linkages were best at ~0:09 and ~0:15. AWEEEESOME!
Almad - nice flow, dude, but bakspin pop was rather lamed. Good finisher, though, but Lekunga had better whole
combo and wins the match.

x Lekunga's style is amazing, he has nice and flashy movements.
Almad showed a good starter and nice aerial linkages. Vote for Lekunga

x Unlucky for Almad having to face Lekunga. Lekunga's combo is one of the best, if not the best combo this round. Difficulty might not be top of the line, but style,speed, smoothness, execution more than make up for that. Almad's busts were nice to watch, but it's not enough for Lekunga.

x Lekunga: Nearly perfect smoothness and the style goes with it. Nice job !
Almad: Nothing new in this combo, saw again and again. Vote for Lekunga.
x Fahrenheit, more different tricks.

x Fahrnheit: we can feel an old school style, the finish is not really well done
Impulse: very technique but needs more smoothness vote for Impulse

x Both could probably do better. Impulse had some trouble executing his tricks, especially the flick at the beginning. Fahrenheit's combo was very nice, until 0:17. From there on it seemed unplanned/improvised, ruined the good impression of the first half of the combo. Vote for Impulse

x I had a déjà vu with Fahrenheit's combo, but it was pretty smooth and he added variety.
Impulse had a nice starter, I loved that ultra-slow TA Rev. He had some difficult (but
maybe too seen nowadays) sequences. Vote for Impulse
x Both of them used similar tricks: they focused on speed, difficulty and some stylish moves.
But I think Might's combo was better.

x Might, nice style, smooth, technique, just better

x Might wins: awesome render but easy linkages
Macioster12: some parts were good but there was not enough structure, moreover the webcam has a very low quality

x Both combos were appealing to watch, however Macioster's combo didn't seem to have much structure, the trick at 0:16 did not fit into the fast flowing combo. Might's combo was overall well thought-out and appealing. Vote for Might.
x Raeik: nice style, well done but too much arm movements vote for him
Bilbo: Angle and finish quite poor, I didn't really enjoy it

x Raeik's combo was well thought out. Bilbo's excessive arm movements seemed out of place. The rest of the combo was ok, nothing big though. That's why Raeik wins this one.

x Raeik has a nice style, we can see some good sequences in there. Vote for Raeik
Bilbo had a good combo but the filming didn't help him (the table and the offcams).

x Raeik - whoa, nice spin at the beggining. Next, good spreads, very fluently done. And man, you've done one of my
favourite linkages at ~0:14 T_T
Love it, anyway, good smoothness. Nice ending, but its very popular.
Bilbo - good open, nice Hai Tua, finisher was hm... good, but not enough for Raeik. RAEIK PWNT.
x Guevara nice style

x Guevera: good technique, good render, need to work the middlebacks

Sollten alle GPCler gewesen sein.


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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Impulse »

Zuletzt geändert von Impulse am 02.02.10 09:34, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
Rap ruhig über Waffen und Geld, doch es geht nurnoch um Punchlines und Steaks.

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von BanzA »

Impulse vs Raem -> Impulse, obwohl es knapp werden könnte, denn Raems Combo war auch nciht schlecht, doch die cam und posi waren einfach miserabel /=

Gildor vs Mogac -> Mogac war nicht schlecht, mal schaun obs reicht, gildor war nämlich auch sehr nice, mal schaun, cih bin für unentschieden ;)

SpinFo vs Might -> Might, SpinFos Idee war zwar ganz nett, aber Cam etc machen das einfach nur unschön

Lekunga vs Blasfem -> /e: Blasgem hat scheinbar eine neue Combo an den Veranstalter vor der DL geschickt und mit dieser wird er mMn recht sicher gewinnen können, sehr schade )= -> Blasfem

Frazio vs Apa -> mMn eindeutig: Frazio, aber Apa hat nen coolen pen ^^

Near vs Raeik -> hab Raeik combo noch nciht gesehen, aber außer wenn er nix abgibt müsste er Near schlagen, denn die combo war hmm naja ziemlich fehlerreich )= /e: Raeik gefunden: zwar nicht so bombig, reicht aber locker. -> Raeik

Ivabra vs Guevra -> Ivabra, auch wenn Guevra sehr stylisch war, Ivabra hatte einfach mehr gezeigt sry )=

Huy vs JTS -> JTS hat definitiv ne imba combo, mal schaun was Huy macht, so Huys Video da, hmm schwere entscheidung, huys combo hatte einfach ne derbe kontrolle, hat nie so ausgeschaut, als ob er den pen nicht 100 porzentig kontrollieren würde, von daher kann ich mich hier auch nciht entscheiden -> unentschieden (=


ps: ja, ich weiß unentschieden gibbet nicht.

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Skiller »

ENGC R2 Results:

Guevara vs Ivabra 1-5
Frazio vs APA 3-3
Blasfem vs Lekunga 4-1
SpinFo vs Might 3-2
Impulse vs Raem 2-3
Near vs Raeik 4-2
Huy vs JTS 2-3
Mogac vs Gildor 1-4


//e: Falls es wen interessiert, hier die Judging-Results und so:
Raeik [CsT] hat geschrieben:BPSC
Block: anzeigen
Guevara Vs Ivabra : Ivabra Win

Guevara: euuh ? finish ? cela dis jolis cobras...

Ivabra : euuh? dédicasse ? mais joli finish...

Frazio Vs APA : Frazio Win

Frazio: bonne technique , palm spin cont impressionant .

APA: Un départ de feu mais peut- ètre un peu de trop parce que la suite n'est pas top...

Blasfem Vs Lekunga :Blasfem Win

Blasfem : mouais... ne te concentre pas trop sur ton finish parce que en dehors de ça y'a rien à se mettre sous la dent.

Lekunga: Joli style , jolis links, rendu très propre mais Blasfem est tout simplement supérieur.

SpinFo Vs Might : SpinFo Win

SpinFo : le concept quoi o0 si y'avait pas eu le concept pour compenser le manquer de tricks à coté et le rendu très peu soigné je mettais Might gagant. continue à nous surprendre Wink

Might:Un rendu nickel, un bel angle... y'a tout mais y manque un truc qui nous accroche peut ètre un manque d'originalité et de diversité ?

Impulse Vs Raem: Raem Win

Impulse: un peu trop classic ... rien de nouveau , du vu et revu.

Raem: des linkages assez surprenant malgré une luminosité qui ne met pas ton spin en valeur.

Near Vs Raeik : Raeik Win

Near: pas du tout accroché au petit tour de magie...

Raeik: Malgré que tu m'ai déçu beaucoup sur ce tour...estime toi heureux que pour moi Near n'est pas bien géré son tour.

Huy Vs JTS : JTS Win

Huy: un joli passage en aérial mais un finish raté =X

JTS: des links à en couper le souffle. un passage 1p2h parfaitement exécuté et un finish parfait ! j'ai adoré bravo !

Mogac Vs Gildor : EGALITE d'un coté un rendu super mais manque cruel de links potables... et de l'autre un combo complet mais avec un rendu médiocre ...
SPC ... .xlsx.html

Block: anzeigen
Impulse vs Raem : Impulse, meilleur pour presque tout .

Gildor vs Mogac : Mogac, plus fluide, plus beau .

SpinFo vs Might : Might, meilleur .

Lekunga vs Blasfem : Blasphem, combo assez énorme .

Frazio vs APA : APA, meilleur rendu, meilleure fluidité .

Near vs Raeik : Near, Excellent combo, invisible sonic sympa, vraiment Belle joute, sire .

Ivabra vs Guevara : Guevara, incomparablement meilleur

Huy vs JTS : Huy, plus fluide, plus de difficulté .
Block: anzeigen
Guevara vs Ivabra
I am for Ivabra , because he showed us a nice 2h1p combo with much skill! I enjoyed also the style of him (;
Guevara wasnt that creative as it looked like, the triple wrist around was insane! I had also to laugh at the end, that looked as he had no power to do a final trick.

[x] Ivabra

Frasio vs APA

2 great spinners! Frasio showed us a lot of power tricks but I think that he had to work on his linkings, because those are pretty poor :(
APA.. As I have seeen your combo, or the first 5 seconds I was sure that you will win. But I have to say that except of the starter Frasio was better ^^' Put more power tricks or creative linkages into your combos and it will be really really great!

[x] Frasio

Blasfem vs Lekunga
Both of you were worse then in R1 T_T . I was sure that Blasfem will show us something hmm.. how could I express it? Something makes me "WTF?!" But it wasnt that case T_T I expected more from both spinners. I am for lekunga, he made me more "wtf" , it was a nice MX combo.


Might vs SpinFo

Although SpinFo showed us a new concept and way of spinning I am for Might. Why? its easy, he did several hard tricks (nice bak sequence ^^') and his style was better. But hey, a styler with Buster? Hmph..
SpinFo I like your concept but you still have to work on it. That wrist around or something like that was nice, but all in all wore then Might.

[x] Might

Raem vs Impulse

A hard decison but I am for Raem. Impulses combo is pretty same as this one from R1, I mean linkings and that stuff. Raem showed some style elements like this in 0:05- 0:06. Impulse nice ending.

[x] Raem

Raeik vs near

Pretty easy to decide. Raeik was IMO way better in all cases. I enjoy your style! The bak sequence at the beginning was awesome ;) Keep this, nice ending!
Near I dont like the elment with hiding the pen. It takes to much time. Your midbaks 1,5 are sloppy \: ... Awesome middle busts, but all in all you were worse then Raeik.

[x] Raeik

Huy vs JTS

Huy huy chuj ..You had a problem, because your opponent did IMO the best combo in this round what for you means that you have lost T_T'' I think that you have to work on your linkings because almost all of your combos are pretty same T_T You have ofc. skill but it isnt all.
JTS I am falling in love <3 All parts of combo were good, execution was good, finisher was awesome. You have won.

[x] JTS

Mogac vs Gildor

I think that Gildor was better. Mogac , you have to improve your linkings because there is only very easy stuff! 2p2h was nice, but IMO too short Y_Y Gildor you have a really nice style! I like those "long" nails. your pinkybaks 1,5 are amazing. You could do a longer combo but you were better tho..

[x] Gildor
Block: anzeigen
Gildor vs Mogac:
~> Gildor

Mogac had very nice 2p2h spinning, but it was too short. The 2p1h could've been much better. (do something with the 2nd pen, fl ta rev around the pen or something!) Besides that there wasn't too much... but Gildor .. I CAME. It was a short combo, however, it was beautiful. The pinkybaks start it off with a bang, the infinities were nice as well. Overall a great combo, although too short. Nevertheless, sick combo. ->gildor

Lekunga vs Blasfem

-> Blasfem

Lekunga again with sick style and perfect smoothness, but then..Blasfem completely raped with that combo. Nothing much to say..except damn.

Frazio vs APA

-> APA

APA's combo was not only skilled, but also one of the first combos containing creativity! Frazio's combo was above average as well, but it is unfortunate for him to face APA. I liked the swivels, but they aren't comparable to what APA did. Although I must say I didn't like the part around 0:14-0:16 as much as the rest of the combo.

Near vs Raeik
-> Near

Very close battle, both clips aren't top of the line... Near's iSonic variation would've been better without shaking the hand as much and the midbak was almost a drop. Raeik's overall combo wasn't very appealing to me., although I liked the finisher, but that was about it. Near wins this battle with more or less luck.

Ivabra vs Guevara
-> Ivabra

again, not much going on at the left hand, but this time the right hand is enough for the win. Nice arounds, nice speed, nice finisher. (and nice muscles, *) This battle would've been a lot closer if Guevara's combo had the same level that it had after 0:08 throughout the entire combo. But the first 8 seconds seemed empty.

Huy vs JTS
-> JTS

JTS had the best combo in the whole round, hands down. Not even a single trick in the combo seemed out of place, coupled with unique style that is a sick combo. Huy had a strong combo as well but it's just not enough. 1-2 sequences that were very nice, but overall less.
Block: anzeigen
### Frazio vs. Apa ####
Apa~ Apas combo is clean. I really like his execution and style. easy combo though. Frazio has some structure and composition issues. He does a Haitua in the middle of his combo and after that he slows down. His combo was more difficult but I found it to be not as artistic and appealing as apas.

### Near vs Raeik ###
Near~ Wow! Awesome inv. I-Sonic he did there... His combo was so clean. Amazing! I liked Raeik too but his ending was a bit strange and the overall execution was not as good. I think this one is more based on my personal preferences... This is probably a draw but I still choose Near in the end.

### Hus vs. JTS ###
Huy~ OMAGAD! I know how I called the last one a draw but this is even more even. Best match this round. I loved JTS ending and how the pen almost hit the cam 8) Awesome. Yet Huys combo was even greater. It is just so clean! I'm out of adjectives to describe this. The anmount of airtime in this combo is just great. Good Job Huy and JTS, you guys made my day.

### Gildor vs. Mogac ###
Gildor~ Much more difficult than Mogac. I loved his pinkybaks and his execution. The 2pen thing was creative but... Idk, was not performed that well and his ending was weak. I choose Gildor by far in this match.
Block: anzeigen
Guevara vs Ivabra

Guevara’s starter is beautiful, the way he moves his fingers is very nice. He continues with calm spinning, and we can see a sequence of Twisted Cobra Bite, which is nice, but already seen before. After that, the combo changes and it becomes a bit chaotic. I find the link on 0:13 a little odd, the stop is a bit long, and I don’t like that direction change. But the following spin is very appealing IMO. But he has a noticeable mistake when doing the finisher, that’s not intentional; if you look close you can see his index finger stretched, ready to close the combo with a Bak Rev.

Ivabra shows fast spinning with both hands, with some nice transfer like 0:13, but he slows down many times. The finisher is very strong, pretty well executed, but I didn’t like the appeal of the entire combo.

Vote for Ivabra

Frazio vs APA

Frazio surprised me this round, the overall combo is very nice. He did a good introduction, but that Charge Rev TF on 0:02 spoiled it. The sequence from 0:11 to 0:13 is really awesome. The combo has power tricks but Frazio didn’t forget to include some Wiper and an aerial.

APA: The first 6 seconds are impressive and very beautiful, and make you feel that this has to be an epic combo. But somehow the rest of it is not that appealing, I think the angle ruined it. Nice Bak Rev though.

Vote for Frazio

Blasfem vs Lekunga

Blasfem showed a great control: a powerful starter with Handarounds, a nice backhand spin, perfect Cont FL FA Release, and a good finisher.

Lekunga’s starter is nice and stylish, but I don’t like the look of 0:06. He continues with a good combo, but with nothing really special. Maybe less zoom would be better?

Vote for Blasfem

Spinfo vs Might

What Spinfo does is really unique and impressive. Maybe people think it’s not that much, but is very hard. In the combo he starts with an amazing Bak to FL TA Rev with the Thumb caught with the opposite hand, I find interesting the connection he builds between his hands, and they become one same thing. The aerial and the transfer on 0:11-0:12 (Bak with one hand, TIS Rev with the other, I think) are very nice too, but his head is on the middle for this last trick, so we can’t see it perfectly. Also the move next to the finisher is interesting because he throws the pen above his other arm. The only cons I see in this combo is the low smoothness and maybe too many Sonics.

Might’s combo stands for another definition of difficulty: he executes hard tricks perfectly, and he has a good smoothness, but on the other hand there’s nothing creative.

Vote for Spinfo

Impulse vs Raem

Impulse did a beautiful slow combo, I like the sequence from 0:03 to 0:08. On the other hand, I think the direction change on 0:11 cut the combo, and that Tipped Sonic is a bit odd. The finisher is nice though.

Raem’s combo was a bit repetitive, but technically very good (0:13 omg). As he said, he focused on linkages, and I think he got a very good result.

Vote for Raem

Near vs Raeik

Near’s Inverse i-Sonic reminded me of Key3 on S and S 2nd. The combo was slow and smooth, but then he loses the control of the pen and goes offcam (0:19), and the finisher becomes too fast and anticlimactic.

Raeik’s combo was a bit more difficult but it had less smoothness, I think the pen is too heavy for his hands.

Vote for Near
Zuletzt geändert von Skiller am 12.02.10 23:52, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
ich bin skiller und ihr könnt mir glauben

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Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Vstrike »

Behinderte Judges.
Might hat verloren.
Wie dumm können Judges nur sein.

Edit// Noch mal Failnote 1 für die Comments.
Oh man...
More impressive... rofl
Spinfo win... lol
Judge von SPC bewertet in seiner Fantasiewelt.
Pen-difficulty lol was.
smoothness bei Lekunga 3 - Der Junge tut mir bei den Judges so Leid.
Stellt er Pen-difficulty und smoothness und technique gleich.
Zuletzt geändert von Vstrike am 13.02.10 00:08, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.


Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von taichi1082 »

taichi1082 hat geschrieben:Guevara vs Ivabra 1-5 – WTF
Frazio vs APA 3-3 – oO Was? Draw? Oh man.
Blasfem vs Lekunga 5-1 – Bitte…
SpinFo vs Might 3-2 – Oh man. Einfach nur lächerlich. Unglaublich.
Impulse vs Raem 2-3 – Ok. Hätte ich wohl auch gesagt.
Near vs Raeik 5-2 – Jo, Agree.
Huy vs JTS 2-3 – Ò_ó Frip wse.
Mogac vs Gildor 1-4 – Joa. Ok.

Nicht, dass ich ignorant den Meinungen anderer gegenüber bin aber für mich ist das Tunier nun vorbei.
Tribute rofl. Es ist unglaublich.
Match Lekunga vs. Blasfem. Lekunga smoothness 3.

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Registriert: 26.11.07 15:59
Penspinner seit: 26. Nov 2007
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Land: Deutschland

Re: European New Generation Cup

Beitrag von Product »

haha LOL das Turnier wird immer Skandalöser

Ein echter reinfall ist das xD unglaublich
Lekunga und Might verloren wtf
Amateur Judging. 8)
ich spring ins Eisbärgehege und der Weiße kriegt schläge!
Dunn_Star hat geschrieben: weil ich bin der meinugn wir sollten mal geziehlter werbung bei mädels amchen

erstens sind sie einfach sexy

und zweitens, gehts einfach ums prinzieb
