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PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 11:42
von Syrti
Thema: New Concept

Modder 1:
Hello Kitty kUzu G3
MMn schwach. Neues Design =/= Neues Konzept -> Thema verfehlt

Modder 2: Screw this!! Mod
Screw this!! Mod
Von wem ist der Mod bloß? Mh... Gutes Konzept würde mir aber mit Plastik besser gefallen, da der Pen durch das Metall einfach so krass schwer wird. Aber klasse Idee, die es ermöglicht den Pen immer sicher mitzunehmen ohne Angst haben zu müssen, dass er bricht.

Modder 3:
Bodycuts hat man beim Poseidon Mod im PMWT 2009 schon gesehen, aber nicht so ausgereift. Das Tape hebt die Optik erheblich an.

Modder 4:
Block: anzeigen
Modder 4 hat geschrieben:Sorry for my baaaad english T-T

Ok, so what’s Modding ?
Some say it is a practice that can transform our pens to make mods, then spin it. Others say it is an art in constant evolution. Now if we want to make progress, it’s not enough to make the mod the most aesthetic possible. We must seek new concepts. The aesthetics will come after. I have learned over the years as modder that appearance does not mean simply beautiful. It means the idea. Too few people think this way.

For this round, I am on the side of the second definition quoted above.

My idea is simple while providing a visually complex mod: a combination between Double Sided and Single Sided.

I called it “Dizziness”. Indeed, when we trying to classify (either Double Sided (DoS) or Single Sided (SiS)), we’re uncomfortable. The characteristics of the mod are contradictory. Let me explain:
At first glance, the mod is very similar to a DoS since it seems to be symmetrical (2 bodies on vortex, even some basic DoS), and has two caps. But if you look a little closer, we can see that the bodies are not the same length (1cm difference) and both caps are not the same.
After this, study more closely the caps. The end G3 cap is modded as a DoS, is to say that the tip is pointing outwards from the mod, the cap is in turn overthrown. The end of the ACT cap is modded as SiS, that is to say that the tip is pointing inside the cap, it always reversed. Pens used to mod mods SiS found to be modded mods as DoS and vice versa.

Contrary to all the new mods you can see, I decided to Dizziness not apply the fundamental rule of DoS, that is to say, the CoG = CoP. Too many people looking to apply, even on SiS. It kills the mods, deprives them a certain feeling when we spin it. Why are we looking for ease? To evolve faster? Do not you think this rule is rather a barrier to the future of the PS, so standardizing all styles?

Concerning the coat of the mod, It is made of 4 parts:
- Part with transparent outsert and unicolor insert in the G3 body which is supposed to represent the SiS part;
- Part with normal outsert at the level of CT body to represent the DoS part;
- Part with bicolor insert at Cape G3
- Part with normal outsert + tapecut on the heading of the ACT cap.
All styles of dressing mods are included (tape, transparent/normal outsert, unicolor / bicolor insert taking into account that the white and black are colors).

Let us study the definition of “Double Sided”:
Mod symmetrically at the composition (pens) and may be asymmetrical in terms of the wrap. For example, a dr.kt is not symmetrical if the grips are differents colors, or a Makin KT is asymmetric if the pattern drawn by the tape does not show any symmetry.
Here is the opposite. Dizziness composition is asymmetric but the pattern is repeated twice ( ... yampx4.jpg), but with different equipment. So there is a symmetry in the wrap, which could make us think a DoS without thinking.

I think about a concept that could be reused in the future by anyone and not only create a concept for the tournament, not feasible for some (for example, Poseidon by Kam).
This new concept will allow us therefore to revisit the existing mods, only between DoS and SiS. For example by combining between Impact MX and Killergel that we can call later Impact KG [PHOTO]
The mod that I present for this round (Dizziness) is in fact a preview of what we can be achieved by combining a DoS with a SiS. Can be observed a clear combination, that is to say that we see in the mod created where each party stops both known mods or a combination blurred, that is to say that we can distinguish where is such and such mod known in the mod created. The example of the Impact KG is a clear combination while Dizziness is one of blurred.

On the background of the photo, I wanted innovate while also disorienting the viewer to feel again uncomfortable. Do not you find it sad mod on a white sheet, decorated I do not know what effects editing software? I present you Street Modding: introducing the mod in an unusual place, more or less unusual outside the family home. Different choices are possible:
- Try to remove the mod with the decor (little use since the interest of photographing the mod is to show how it is modded)
- Try to bring out the mod, with a choice of colors wisely chooses between the decor and mod;
- Create a gap between the model and decor;
- Show people that the PS can be practiced anywhere, in this case the outside.

What I want to create is a combination between a DoS and SiS known, and not a combination of DoS / DoS or SiS / SiS. Then take:
- Part SiS front extremity (that is to say tip extremity) and not the cap extremity because it is an idea already exploited by some modders (Minwoo Mod for example: front a DoS and back a SiS);
- Part lambda DoS.

Do not worry, there is still one last part to make by yourself: create a combination blurred or clear. Which mean that the impact KG in blurred combination will not necessarily be the same as the one I just showed you above! Appearance mods can be almost infinite, since a combination of blurred / clear for a given mod is not the same for everyone!
Minimalismus at its' best. Mag auf den ersten Blick der blödeste Mod der Runde zu sein. Aber SC und DC so zu vereinen ist eigentlich schon recht geil. Die Beschreibung zu lesen ist es auf jeden Fall wert!

Modder 5:
DC mit viel Dr.Grip. Schönes futuristisches Design, aber ich sehe nichts wirklich neues.

Modder 6:
Die Idee ist genial! Würde zu gerne sehen, ob es so funktioniert wie ich mir das vorstelle: Body inklusive Front- und Backgripcut abzunehmen, um an eine Flexible Mx Variation zu kommen. Geil.

Re: PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 11:55
von LimeZ
Oha der Dr.Mod *O*

Re: PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 12:50
von vento
Gute Analyse von Syrti!
Kann eigentlich überall nur zustimmen.
Interessant, was man aus Penmodding noch so alles rausholen kann, irgendwas ist immer möglich!

Re: PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 12:53
von F1r3Fly
Find die Weltmeisterschaft langsam n bisschen arm, jede runde gibt irgendwer nich ab und fliegt dadurch raus, und so toll war bis jetz auch leider noch kein mod :/ teilweise sehn die teile einfach nur kacke aus, sind unsauber gemoddet oder passen nicht zum thema oder alles zusammen >_<

hab mir mehr erfhofft, schade :/

Re: PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 14:05
von dnreb
Manche mods sehen echt komisch aus. Aber irgendwie hat man das alles schon mal in einer ähnlichen Form gesehen.

Re: PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 14:52
muss da aber wieder sprechen @Däne
es gab schon ein paar wirklich schöne mods die sauber gemoddet waren.
und wirklich sehr schlechte mods hab ich noch nicht gesehen.

Re: PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 14:57
von LimeZ
ist der Dr. Mod ein Selfmod oder ? :/ oder gibts irgendwo nen Tut ^^

Re: PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 15:37
von Syrti
Ist ein Selfmod. So wie 99% aller Mods, die während eines PMWT entstehen.

Re: PMWT R2 - Mods

Verfasst: 17.01.13 16:08
von LimeZ
mhh okey :( ...