Die Suche ergab 10 Treffer

von blackmail
25.04.08 15:56
Forum: Games
Thema: PS Rätsel
Antworten: 656
Zugriffe: 95787

Re: PS Rätsel

Who invented "P aerial" ?
von blackmail
28.03.08 21:02
Forum: Collaborations & offizielle Präsentationen
Thema: [OUT] Around The World 1st
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 4445

Re: [OUT] Around The World 1st

Thanks guys :)

As for S777, he wasn't supposed to be in at first, and when he told me he had a combo lying around, i said i'd just use it, and so i told him about the collab :-) .

Nice to see you guys like it :D .
von blackmail
28.03.08 20:45
Forum: Collaborations & offizielle Präsentationen
Thema: [OUT] Around The World 1st
Antworten: 10
Zugriffe: 4445

[OUT] Around The World 1st

After so much procrastination and unexpected events, i'm proud to present to you : Around The World 1st. [img]http://atogogo.free.fr/autres/ATW.jpg[/img] Not only does this collab unite boards from nearly every part of the world, it also allow people to get seen by the whole world. Unfortunately, we...
von blackmail
11.02.08 18:43
Forum: Mitglieder
Thema: Sp00n
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1830

Re: Sp00n

don't want to bother , but there is already a Spoon on FPSB :D
Nice to meet you anyway and welcome ;)
von blackmail
10.02.08 21:33
Forum: Mitglieder
Thema: Hey guys, greetings from France :)
Antworten: 19
Zugriffe: 8370

Re: Hey guys, greetings from France :)


and we're NOT barbaric (fiy) .

if i'm flooding too much, just say, but i think McDudelsaeck likes me too much to ban me anyway :p
von blackmail
10.02.08 20:06
Forum: Mitglieder
Thema: Hey guys, greetings from France :)
Antworten: 19
Zugriffe: 8370

Re: Hey guys, greetings from France :)

McDudelsaeck hat geschrieben:Nice combo, even if the pen looks long (didn't you show me the combo allready @IRC?). :)
Yeah i did, and the pen isn't longer than an aviaire, my hands are tiny, i'm starting to spin a lot more with the MX now ;)
von blackmail
10.02.08 19:58
Forum: Mitglieder
Thema: Hey guys, greetings from France :)
Antworten: 19
Zugriffe: 8370

Re: Hey guys, greetings from France :)

Joke ? I AM op :D


Fullquote im Sinne der Forenregeln entfernt. Bitte Forenregeln lesen und einhalten.
von blackmail
10.02.08 19:53
Forum: Mitglieder
Thema: Hey guys, greetings from France :)
Antworten: 19
Zugriffe: 8370

Re: Hey guys, greetings from France :)

haha yes The_Dane :) . Nice to see you here :p

(can't name everyone you know )

thank you all for welcoming me :)
von blackmail
10.02.08 19:42
Forum: Mitglieder
Thema: Hey guys, greetings from France :)
Antworten: 19
Zugriffe: 8370

Hey guys, greetings from France :)

Hey guys, i'm blackmail from FPSB . I already know a few spinners from here: stuhl, mcdudelsaeck, der_anwalt, Kevin, etc . Some of you might know me by name, but i guess not (maybe if you come on the chatroom from time to time you have seen me hang around) . Erm, what else, ah yes ... I live in fran...